Beauty & The Nerd Beauty & The Nerd Beauty & The Nerd Beauty & The Nerd Beauty & The Nerd Beauty & The Nerd Beauty & The Nerd Beauty & The Nerd Beauty & The Nerd Beauty & The Nerd Beauty & The Nerd Beauty & The Nerd Beauty & The Nerd Beauty & The Nerd Beauty & The Nerd Beauty & The Nerd Beauty & The Nerd Beauty & The Nerd Beauty & The Nerd Beauty & The Nerd Beauty & The Nerd Beauty & The Nerd Beauty & The Nerd Beauty & The Nerd Beauty & The Nerd Beauty & The Nerd Beauty & The Nerd Beauty & The Nerd Beauty & The Nerd Beauty & The Nerd Beauty & The Nerd Beauty & The Nerd Beauty & The Nerd Beauty & The Nerd

Beauty & The Nerd

ProSieben Live-TV ProSieben 13.03., 01:50 - 03:50 Uhr
Show 2024120 Minuten 

Umstyling! Designer Thomas Rath verpasst den Nerds einen neuen Look und schenkt ihnen damit neues Selbstbewusstsein. Wie gefallen die Nerds ihren Beautys und viel wichtiger, wie finden die Nerds ihr neues Aussehen?

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Bildquellen: © Seven.One, © Seven.One / Benjamin Kis / Benjamin Kis