Beauty & The Nerd Beauty & The Nerd Beauty & The Nerd Beauty & The Nerd Beauty & The Nerd Beauty & The Nerd Beauty & The Nerd Beauty & The Nerd Beauty & The Nerd Beauty & The Nerd Beauty & The Nerd Beauty & The Nerd Beauty & The Nerd Beauty & The Nerd Beauty & The Nerd Beauty & The Nerd Beauty & The Nerd Beauty & The Nerd Beauty & The Nerd Beauty & The Nerd Beauty & The Nerd Beauty & The Nerd Beauty & The Nerd Beauty & The Nerd Beauty & The Nerd Beauty & The Nerd Beauty & The Nerd

Beauty & The Nerd

ProSieben Live-TV ProSieben 20.03., 01:25 - 03:15 Uhr
Show 2024110 Minuten 

Halbfinale bei "Beauty & The Nerd" und Runde zwei des Umstylings. Manga-Nerdin Joelle und Informatik-Nerd Collin bekommen neue Looks und danach stehen die letzten Challenges an. Wer zieht ins große Finale ein?

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Bildquellen: © Seven.One, © Seven.One / Benjamin Kis / Benjamin Kis