Fighting IS with Words - A Yazidi Woman Raises her Voice

Fighting IS with Words - A Yazidi Woman Raises her Voice

Farida Abbas Khalaf has been through hell. Like countless Yazidi women, she was kidnapped by the so-called Islamic State , sold into slavery, and raped. Yet she was able to escape and make her way to Europe thanks to a German aid program. This documentary visits Farida as she finds the courage to break her silence.

Thousands of Yazidi women have suffered a similar same fate to Farida Khalaf. They were kidnapped, sold and raped by Islamic State militiamen. Many of them are still missing. Farida Khalaf was relatively fortunate. The young woman managed to flee her tormentors, and traveled to Europe with the help of a German aid program. In this documentary she tells her story, publicly accusing her tormentors and demanding justice for herself and other Yazidi women who have suffered violence at the hands of IS. And when her home village is liberated from the Islamists, Farida Khalaf decides to make the risky journey back to the place where the terrorists destroyed her family forever.


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