Ein Gauner und Gentleman

Trotz seines hohen Alters wird der 70-jährige Gentleman Forrest Tucker nicht müde, eine Bank nach der nächsten auszurauben. Auch die Tatsache, dass er deshalb schon unzählige Male im Gefängnis saß, kann ihn nicht stoppen. Zusammen mit seiner kleinen Clique flieht er stets vor der Polizei. Als er sich eines Tages in die Farmerin Jewel verliebt, hinterfragt er seine Karriere.
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Demnächst Live auf TV.de
Ein Gauner und Gentleman rbb Brandenburg Morgen, 20:15 Uhr
Ein Gauner und Gentleman rbb Berlin Morgen, 20:15 Uhr
Ein Gauner und Gentleman rbb Brandenburg 14.03., 23:30 Uhr
Links zur Sendung
- Forrest Tucker Robert Redford
- John Hunt Casey Affleck
- Jewel Sissy Spacek
- Teddy Danny Glover
- Waller Tom Waits
- Maureen Tika Sumpter
- Abilene Ari Elizabeth Johnson
- Tyler Teagan Johnson
- Mr. Owens Gene Jones
- Lt. Kelly John David Washington
- Offerman Barlow Jacobs
- Sandra Augustine Frizzell
- Martha Jennifer Joplin
- Helen the Teller Lisa DeRoberts
- Local News Anchor Carter Bratton
- National News Anchor Mike Dennis
- Mechanic Tomas Deckaj
- Detective Gene Dentler Isiah Whitlock Jr.
- Doctor Patrick Newall
- Sheriff Daniel Britt
- Dora the Waitress Leah Roberts
- Dorothy Elisabeth Moss
- Owner Alphaeus Green Jr.
- Captain Calder Keith Carradine
- Agent Morton Kevin McClatchy
- Agent Rick Todd Covert
- Kelly Lornin Kenneisha Thompson
- Stephen Beckley, Jr., Esq. Robert Longstreet
- Trustee Jim John Wayne Hunt
- Detective Wilson Clara Harris
- Angela the Teller Jordan Trovillion
- Security Guard Clayton Derek Snow
- Husband Barry Mulholland
- Wife Annie Fitzpatrick
- Officer Walsh J. Todd Anderson
- Ms. Phillips Torie Wiggins
- Arguing Woman Annell Brodeur
- Marla the Waitress Christine Dye
- Hungry Guard Tom Lepera
- Agent Summers Warren Bryson
- Maddie Kelly Mengelkoch
- Robbie Asher Parran
- Kyra the Waitress Kyndra Jefferies
- Bank Manager Kay Geiger
- Agent Krombopulos Nathan Neorr
- Prison Worker Dennis J. Barket
- Forrest, Age 8 Cody Gilbert
- Forrest, Age 12 Jack Michael Doke
- Sandy's Boy Alexander M. Partridge
- Manager #1 Larry Jack Dotson
- Manager #2 Pam Dougherty
- Dora Lee Atheena Frizzell
- Raquel Marissa Woolf
- FBI Agent Todd Terry
- Reporter Sydney Benter
- Cell Mate Krzysztof Abbas
- Prisoner Joseph L. Allen
- Bank Patron Felicia Andes
- Driver / Pedestrian Mark Angel
- Prisoner Michael Lee Bailey
- Older Lady at Mall Denise Barone
- Bank Patron Judy McQueen Bauer
- Theater Patron Anita Farmer Bergman
- The Girl Laurie Bird
- Inmate Rick Blodgett
- Police Officer John E. Brownlee
- Dallas Police Officer Michael W. Bunch
- St. Louis Bank Patron Alejandro Castillo
- Driver Austin Caudill
- Bank Employee William Cross
- FBI Agent Timothy Noah Curtis
- St. Louis Bank Patron Laura Dejean
- Diner Bobby Easley
- Bank Employee Shawn P. Farrell
- Police Officer Alessandro Ferraris
- Prisoner Reese Foster
- Boy Painter Tristan A. Garcia
- Mall Patron Sammy Geroulis
- Prisoner Jason Gerrard
- FBI agent Jason Marcus Griffith
- Prison Guard Chris Hahn
- Bank Employee John W. Harden
- Banker M Reuter Al Harland
- Bank Patron Jennifer Henson
- FBI Agent Ray Nicholas Hosack
- Bank Patron Zach Kaltenbach
- Outside Bank Patron Susan Kile
- Prisoner Kenneth King
- Pedestrian Traci Kochendorfer
- Theater Patron Bryan Kruse
- Prisoner Paul Kulis
- Inmate Gang Member Daniel Lamont
- Police Officer Daniel J. Le Saint
- Diner Patron Art Leung
- Diner Patron Anita S Martin
- Bank Guard #1 Bryan Massey
- Prisoner Gleedis Mayfield
- Chicken Shack Customer Joe Merritt
- Bank Patron Brianna Moreau
- Bank Employee Misty O'Bradovich
- Bank Patron Barbara O'Connor
- G.T.O. Warren Oates
- Street Parton / Bank Patron Tammy Payne
- Prisoner Richard Phillis
- Banker P. Ford David Pittinger
- Bank Employee Derek Polen
- Officer Bush Charles Poole
- Bank Employee Michelle Poole
- Detective Aaron Pullins IV
- Prisoner Alec Reeves
- Pedestrian Lare Roberts
- St. Louis Bank Manager Steven Schraub
- Bank Patron James Siderits
- Man In Suit at Mall Vince Hobart Smith
- Bank Patron Carly Tamborski
- Chef, Blue Bird Cafe Hickory Taylor
- Prison Guard Robert P. Thitoff
- Child Painting Skyler Chase Thomas
- Prison Inmate Tom Vallis
- Prison Guard Anthony W. Vickers
- Mall Patron Steven Terry Walker
- Sheriff #2 Allen Warchol
- St. Louis Bank Patron Victoria Watkins
- Bank Patron Jan Duncan Weir
- Prison Inmate Dominick Wilkins
- Bank Patron Amber Shana Williams
- Regie David Lowery
- Produktion Toby Halbrooks
Bill Holderman
James M. Johnston
Anthony Mastromauro
Julie Goldstein
Ken Halloway
Tim Headington
Patrick Newall
Lisa Normand
Dawn Ostroff
Robert Redford
Marc Schmidheiny
Lucas Smith
Karl Spoerri
Jeremy Steckler
James D. Stern
Cindy Wilkinson Kirven - Musik Daniel Hart
- Drehbuch David Grann