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TV Programm für Inspiration TV (Engl) am 10.05.2024


A Muslim Journey to Hope 12:30

A Muslim Journey to Hope: Rahim

The events of September 11th made Rahim question his Muslim faith. He argued with a Christian friend about Mohammed and Jesus. This led Rahim to investigate the evidence himself.


Campmeeting 13:00

Campmeeting: Joshua Fowler

Join us for powerful messages and inspiring praise and worship music as we bring you "The Best of CAMPMEETING!"

BillyGraham.TV 14:00


BillyGraham.TV emphasizes the urgency of the gospel message - the need to share Christ's love with others.

Shaped by Faith 14:30

Shaped by Faith: Kettle Bell Workout

Theresa Rowe leads you through a series of kettle bell exercises designed to increase your energy, strength, flexibility and endurance.

Through the Bible with Les Feldick 15:00

Through the Bible with Les Feldick

Les Feldick has a unique love for the Scriptures. He has studied and taught God's Word for more than thirty years bringing it alive to believers of every denominational background.

Life Focus 15:30

Life Focus: 90 Minutes in Heaven

After dying in a car accident, Don Piper went to heaven. In this program, we'll hear Don and others talk about a remarkable journey back from beyond.

Bible Discovery 16:00

Bible Discovery

Hosted by the Hembree family, Bible Discovery (Quick Study) guides through the entire Bible in one year. This daily devotional show will change the way you see and read the Bible.

Owlegories 16:30

Owlegories: The Sun and The Seed

Join the fun loving owl students as they look for the Illuminator 3000 and learn how God is like the sun. Next, they head to a national park and discover what makes a seed grow.

Discovery Jones Expeditions 17:00

Discovery Jones Expeditions: Dependence Day

As Discovery Jones learns about what it takes to become a lobster fisherman, he also discovers that as we grow up physically and independent, we must also grow up spiritually.

Everyday Exotic 17:30

Everyday Exotic: Duck

Using a fresh-cured Peking duck, Roger turns an everyday soup and sandwich meal into an Asian-inspired exotic that's hot and flavorful.

Real Stories 18:00

Real Stories: Poverty Cure - Justice for the Poor

To bring justice to poor communities we must have the same faith in their ideas and efforts as we do in our own.

Real Stories 18:30

Real Stories: Poverty Cure - The Power of the Gospel

To affect real, meaningful change, we must do more than look at the systemic issues. We must also look to the transformative power of the Gospel.

Real Stories 19:00

Real Stories: Poverty Cure - Entrepreneurial Calling

The best way to reverse the cycle of poverty in an area is to create jobs, and the best way to create jobs is to release entrepreneurs to do what they do best.

Maximise Life - New Wine Church 19:30

Maximise Life - New Wine Church

Cutting across cultural and denominational barriers, Dr. Tayo Adeyemi's ministry is motivating people to move up to higher levels.

The Way of the Master 20:00

The Way of the Master: Redeemed Gangsta!

Ray Comfort talks to a former gang member with a horrifying past.

Life Focus 20:30

Life Focus: Oh Boy

Many parents worry whether their sons are normal, active boys or becoming potentially violent men. In this episode, we'll look at a family's well-studied approach to raising boys.

Southcrest Live 21:00

Southcrest Live

Southcrest Baptist Church is an evangelical fellowship in Lubbock, Texas that holds a high view of Scripture, believing the Bible is the inspired and infallible Word of God.

Bloom Today 22:00

Bloom Today: Following the Rules vs Following God

There are a lot of rules in life that we take for granted. Do you get stuck pleasing people by seeming a certain way? God is bigger than that!

House on the Rock with Pastor Paul Adefarasin 22:30

House on the Rock with Pastor Paul Adefarasin: House on the Rock

House on the Rock is a multi-racial, multi-tribal and multi-faceted church ministry committed to helping people become all that God has called them to be.

Reel Inspiration 23:00

Reel Inspiration: First Lady

When the President's widow runs as First Lady in an unmarried successor's campaign, her old summer love, now a king, shows up in disguise.

Campmeeting 01:00

Campmeeting: Jason Avanzini

Join us for powerful messages and inspiring praise and worship music as we bring you "The Best of CAMPMEETING!"

Bible Discovery 02:00

Bible Discovery

Hosted by the Hembree family, Bible Discovery (Quick Study) guides through the entire Bible in one year. This daily devotional show will change the way you see and read the Bible.

FLC - Keith Moore 02:30

FLC - Keith Moore

Keith Moore presents praise, worship and teaching, in order to see the lost saved, the sick healed, the distressed relieved, and the discouraged empowered to victory.

A Muslim Journey to Hope 03:00

A Muslim Journey to Hope: Rahim

The events of September 11th made Rahim question his Muslim faith. He argued with a Christian friend about Mohammed and Jesus. This led Rahim to investigate the evidence himself.

Joseph Prince - New Creation Church TV 03:30

Joseph Prince - New Creation Church TV

Join New Creation Church TV with Joseph Prince and discover the truth of God's heart for you in the gospel of grace - the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Real Strategies 4 Life 04:00

Real Strategies 4 Life: Misplaced Blame

What is accusation? Paula, Ginny and Evonna discuss how the enemy falsely accuses us and then blocks our understanding of truth.

Reel Inspiration 04:30

Reel Inspiration: First Lady

When the President's widow runs as First Lady in an unmarried successor's campaign, her old summer love, now a king, shows up in disguise.