Rich Marshall speaks to Ron Stallings and Bishop Shelton Bady
A biblical perspective to today's news and headlines.
GOD TV Together is our daily programme filled with hope, testimonies and stories of God's goodness.
World renowned evangelist, Billy Graham, whose ministry spanned more than 60 years, shares timeless wisdom from his expansive television archive of life-changing sermons.
Known as a modern day apostle, the late Derek Prince's legacy lives on through Derek Prince Ministries and a vast archive of teaching materials that explain God's Word in ways everyone can understand.
Dr David Jeremiah of Turning Point Broadcast Ministries and Shadow Mountain Church has a passion for people and an extraordinary ability to reach them by getting right to heart of important issues.
Dr. Creflo Dollar ministers to all walks of life with hope for change. With a renewal of faith, mind, and spirit, He and his wife Taffi share their vision for all to understand God's love and promises
Bill Winston of Living Word Christian Centre invites viewers to go deeper on their faith journey. His ministry is a solution-seeking outreach that embraces the Bible as the basis of existence.
Psalm 119, the longest psalm in the Bible, emphasizes the profound importance of God's Word. Join Andrew for this study and take time over the next twenty-two days to read one segment daily.
What's the first thing you should do when you are tempted to stray from God's plan? Learn how praying first and trusting God helps you stay strong and resist the enemy's traps.
The pastor of New Creation Church Singapore, Joseph Prince, talks about God's plan for and place in people's lives in a message called Intimacy With The Father Brings Protection-Truths From Psalm 91.
Nathan Morris of Shake The Nations is a British evangelist who has been on GOD TV since the Bay of the Holy Spirit Revival. He is known for his passionate messages on the Blood of Jesus and the Cross.
Led by Derek and Hilary Walker, OBC aims to bring love, hope and healing to the world by teaching God's Word in the power of the Holy Spirit. Derek is an Oxford graduate, author and End-Time expert.
Rabbi Jonathan Bernis of Jewish Voice Ministries provides valuable insights into the Jewish roots of Christianity. Hear behind-the-scenes stories of the Asbury Outpouring from Zach Meerkreebs.
Pastor Karla Adcox hosts this series for women looking at societal issues they face, and addressing them from a scriptural perspective.
Rick Renner uses in-depth, engaging Bible teaching with his unique ability to draw vividly descriptive word pictures from Greek text, to help listeners gain new insight from God's Word.
Doug Kaufmann looks at symptoms behind illness and allergies and suggests healthy, healing approaches. With scientific input from top health professionals who discuss diet, exercise and supplements.
Apostle Robert Henderson seeks to disciple the nations and bring people into their Kingdom Destiny through his show, Courts of Heaven.
Elevation with Steven Furtick focuses on the strength of God in our everyday struggles.
Reverend Betty King hosts a weekly series with a cry to the Lord through prayer, worship and discussions; born from Isaiah 58:1.
The CEO of Christ for all Nations (CfaN) Daniel Kolenda shares a challenging word, drawing from his experiences on the mission field, where CfaN has received over 75 million decision cards for Christ
The president of Oral Roberts University, Dr Billy Wilson is a global influencer with unwavering ethics and strong business acumen who is passionate about building up leaders to impact the world.
David Hathaway has been preaching the Gospel throughout Russia, Europe and Israel for over 70 years! He has seen the Power of God from the beginning of his ministry, and wants to keep the Fire going.
Hagee Ministries of San Antonio TX present this family focussed show called The Difference.
Pastor Allen Jackson brings a Biblical perspective to the ever-changing world, encouraging believers to lead with their faith in every arena-no matter what shaking the season may bring.
GOD TV Together is our daily programme filled with hope, testimonies and stories of God's goodness.
Who are the woman and the beast that keep reappearing in the book of Revelation?
Pastor Ramiro Peña of Christ the King Church in Waco, TX, delivers powerful and anointed messages that aim to encourage and inspire the listener as they experience the power of God in their own lives.
Led by John & Debbie Lindell, James River Church in Ozark, Missouri, loves to welcome people into God's family, with the firm belief that there is no limit to what God can do in people's lives.
CBN News Middle East bureau chief Chris Mitchell reports on the latest events and how they impact Israel and the stability of the Middle East.
Dr. Creflo Dollar ministers to all walks of life with hope for change. With a renewal of faith, mind, and spirit, He and his wife Taffi share their vision for all to understand God's love and promises
Brian Bolt World Evangelism exists to raise up a global army of fire-baptized remnant believers to preach the Gospel around the world & see nations transformed by the power of the Holy Ghost.
Psalm 119, the longest psalm in the Bible, emphasizes the profound importance of God's Word. Join Andrew for this study and take time over the next twenty-two days to read one segment daily.
What's the first thing you should do when you are tempted to stray from God's plan? Learn how praying first and trusting God helps you stay strong and resist the enemy's traps.
GOD TV Together is our daily programme filled with hope, testimonies and stories of God's goodness.
Network President Ward Simpson delivers a message expanding and expounding on Psalm 23 - The Lord Is My Shepherd.
David Ingall starts a journey around London and through the Bible exploring if we've misunderstood judgement.
Andy Flannagan and panel (Sarah Yardley, Debbie Harvie, Sue Eldridge and Cris Rogers) discuss questions such as: Is that God or voices in my head? Is God really speaking to me or am I imagining it?
Daniel Kolenda of CfaN speaks on An Undivided Heart from 1 Kings 18 where Elijah confronted the prophets of Baal and how his own life was challenged to live for radical surrender and devotion to God.
Daniel Kolenda of CfaN speaks on An Undivided Heart from 1 Kings 18 where Elijah confronted the prophets of Baal and how his own life was challenged to live for radical surrender and devotion to God.
Daniel Kolenda of CfaN speaks on An Undivided Heart from 1 Kings 18 where Elijah confronted the prophets of Baal and how his own life was challenged to live for radical surrender and devotion to God.
Daniel Kolenda of CfaN speaks on An Undivided Heart from 1 Kings 18 where Elijah confronted the prophets of Baal and how his own life was challenged to live for radical surrender and devotion to God.
Messianic Rabbi Schneider brings revelation on how the Old and New Testament are connected, offering practical tools to build faith, change lives, and instill a greater awareness of God's love.
GOD TV Together is our daily programme filled with hope, testimonies and stories of God's goodness.
Network President Ward Simpson delivers a message expanding and expounding on Psalm 23 - The Lord Is My Shepherd.
David Ingall starts a journey around London and through the Bible exploring if we've misunderstood judgement.
Daniel Kolenda of CfaN speaks on An Undivided Heart from 1 Kings 18 where Elijah confronted the prophets of Baal and how his own life was challenged to live for radical surrender and devotion to God.
Daniel Kolenda of CfaN speaks on An Undivided Heart from 1 Kings 18 where Elijah confronted the prophets of Baal and how his own life was challenged to live for radical surrender and devotion to God.
Daniel Kolenda of CfaN speaks on An Undivided Heart from 1 Kings 18 where Elijah confronted the prophets of Baal and how his own life was challenged to live for radical surrender and devotion to God.